12 Months 
Join this exceptional experience to unlock the transformational power of love consciousness in your life and business! 
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

Become a Love Leader to....

  • Elevate Your Consciousness To Access The Frequency of Love
  • ​Expand Your Mission To Activate Your Global Impact
  • ​​Magnetise New Possibilities By Aligning With Your Heart Force
  • ​Ethically Advance Your Business Vision & Abundance
  • ​Unleash Your Creative Force To Affect Personal & World Change 
  • ​Reimagine The Future Of Humanity In Your Area Of Expertise
  • ​Transform Your Personal Life By Leading With The Energy Of Love

Who Are Love leaders?

The leaders of our future don't come from the corporate world or governments. 
The real agents of change are entrepreneurs.

Entrepreneurs think outside the box and are born to find solutions to complex issues.

However, most entrepreneurs run their business (and life) from an energy of fear.

As business owners, it is very easy for us to get trapped in a hustle culture of 24/7 stress, performance pressure and "not-enoughness".

Not being good enough, not enough time, not enough money, not enough clients, not enough opportunities. This leads to burnout, anxiety and ultimately, a lack of passion for our purpose and mission.

Many of us rightly work on our mindset to escape this paradigm.
 But what if mindset was not the root of the problem. 
What if our level of consciousness is?

“No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it”. Einstein

I believe that Consciousness Work is Mindset 2.0. 

The entrepreneurial leaders of our future need to be visionaries. 
Visionary leaders need a different plane of consciousness to lead us into a different future.

That level of consciousness is love.

Only love holds the key to our global, business and personal challenges.
Love will unlock the door of hope and possibility we have been waiting for.

Are you ready to align your life and business with LOVE?

What Is Love Consciousness?

“The longest journey you will ever take is the 18 inches from your head to your heart.” Andrew Bennett

 Consciousness is fundamentally the awareness of the multi-dimensionality of our being. Everything is energy and everything is connected. It is a lens through which we observe our life, business and the world around us.

Living from Love Consciousness means filtering life through the lens of love and envisioning a solution to our personal, business and global challenges from a higher plane of possibility. 

Love Consciousness is...

The World Is Ready For Love Leaders

Only love will guide you to your highest purpose & possibilities.

Are you ready to lead the change by embracing love consciousness in your life and business?

Let's Go On Your Love Leader Journey! 

How To Become A Love Leader

To become Love Leaders, we need to shift our inner realities before we shift our outer realities.
We need to change our being before we change our doing.

Love Leaders Embrace...

  • Love Over Fear
  • ​Heart Over Head
  • ​​Intuition Over Intelligence 
  • ​Pull Over Push
  • ​Flow Over Control
  • ​Alignment Over Action
  • ​Reflection Over Reaction
  • ​Possibility Over Problem
Meet Elena, 
Your Love Leader & Guide
Elena Herdieckerhoff is an award-winning serial entrepreneur and successful TEDx Speaker with over 4 million views on YouTube.  
  • As a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP), she has made it her mission to empower other sensitive and caring people around the world to turn their sensitivity into their greatest asset. She is a highly acclaimed spiritual coach and business mentor. 
  • ​In addition, Elena is the CEO of Red Dot Stage, a TEDx speaker coaching company that specialises in helping visionaries land, craft and deliver viral TEDx talks. 
  • On a personal note, Elena is an award-winning serial entrepreneur including having built a highly acclaimed international luxury skincare brand. She has graduated from the Sorbonne (DEUG), University College London (B.A.) and the London School of Economics (MSc). She is passionate about entrepreneurship, French literature, organic living and spirituality!

Watch Elena's Viral TEDx Talk

Elena & her businesses have been featured in:

Click here to find out more about Elena:

3 Pillars Of Transformation To Become A Love Leader

Ready To Align Your Life, Business & World Impact With Love?

Join Hands with me to Uplevel your Being, Doing & Sharing By Joining my love leaders Program


Benefit from individual spotlight coaching from me in our monthly 2 hour group coaching calls to facilitate clarity, and encourage quantum leaps as well as personal and business breakthroughs. You will equally benefit from listening to the spotlight coaching sessions of your fellow seekers as what concerns one, usually concerns all!

Immerse yourself in my monthly in-depth trainings to help you align with your intuitive wisdom and spirituality, embrace new vibrational realities and shift your life and business to make this the time where you fully align your energy and reality with the sacred power of love! All 12 modules are immediately available!

We all need support of fellow entrepreneurs who "get it" by our side! We often feel alone on our journey, so it is vital to be surrounded by people who are on the same soul path as you!  Outside of our calls, enjoy the high vibrational environment of our peer-supported private Facebook Group to network, mastermind and celebrate with each other! 

Every quarter, I will suggest a mind and soul expanding book to connect you on an even deeper level with love consciousness! 
In our Facebook Group, you can share your insights with me and others! 
Get ready to become a Love Reader with me!

Your Curriculum

12 Month Consciousness Training & Spotlight Coaching Series

You get access to in-depth Consciousness Training videos related to the monthly topics on my online course platform. 

To further integrate the training, we meet for a monthly 2 Hour Mastermind Call where you benefit from my personal guidance in the form of Spotlight Coaching! 

Everyone is guaranteed time to ask a question as we deep-dive into the realm of new possibilities together! 

I can't wait to support you as you step fully into the magnificent power of love consciousness in your life and business!

  • Month 2: MIND EXPANSION 
  • Month 3: BODY WISDOM 
  • Month 11: GLOBAL IMPACT

Your Benefits When You Join

You will....

  • ​Discover how to tap into the healing frequency of love consciousness
  • ​Anchor in the energies of trust, faith, surrender and joy
  • ​Expand your mind beyond your current reality to uncover untold possibilities
  • ​Embrace the sacred daily practice of self-love to raise your vibration
  • ​Tap into the wisdom of your body to access your hidden inner truth 
  • ​Attune to your deepest soul purpose and your bigger "Why"
  • ​Restore flow, love and healthy boundaries to your relationships
  • ​Connect to your divine soul guides and safely channel higher powers
  • ​Discover how to make all decisions from a place of love
  • ​Step into the mindset and heartset of a spiritual CEO
  • ​Create a vision for your future business that impacts the world
  • ​Align your marketing and sales with the frequency of love
  • ​Attract abundance with integrity and flow energy
  • ​Chart your "legacy of love" for your life and business
  • ​Create clarity on your next steps as a divine change-maker to help humanity

Live Coaching Session Times

12 Monthly 2 Hour Coaching Sessions @ 9 am PST/ 12pm EST

Start Date: Wednesday 2 September 2020
End Date: ​Wednesday 3 August 2021

@ 9 am PST/ 12pm EST

  • ​Wednesday 2 September 2020
  • ​Wednesday 7 October 2020
  • ​Wednesday 4 November 2020
  • Wednesday 2 December 2020
  • ​Wednesday 6 January 2021
  • ​Wednesday 3 February 2021
  • ​Wednesday 3 March 2021
  • ​Wednesday 7 April 2021
  • ​Wednesday 5 May 2021
  • ​Wednesday 2 June 2021
  • ​Wednesday 7 July 2021
  • ​Wednesday 4 August 2021

If you are in Europe, the time is 6pm CET. Please be aware of time difference for CET as we switch to summer/winter times in the US. 
Dates may be subject to change depending on public holidays or group preferences.



Payment Options


4 Personal Consciousness Coaching Sessions
 with Elena

Quarterly 1 Hour Video Calls. 
Recording available


2 Energy Healing Sessions by a World-Class Healer 

Bundle Access To All My Online Courses (worth $1000 USD)

As your Consciousness Coach, I create a loving container for you to extract your essence, discover your truth, and raise your consciousness. I act as the messenger but it’s much you’re like having a “heart-to-heart” with your soul! 

Together, we uncover the origin of any issue, commune with your higher self for the solution, and create a plan of practical action based on a myriad of different spiritual, psychological, and energy healing modalities.

This deep inner work allows you to transition from doing into being, from head-focused to heart-focused, from fear into love. The result? You enter a beautiful flow state. To live in flow is to thrive in an ideal vibrational reality where your dreams and desires align for you without effort! 

This shift will empower you to resolve any problem with ease, step into your full potential, and impact the world with your brilliant inner light.

In addition, you will receive 2 Energy Healing Sessions arranged for you from my personal referral network to clear energetic blocks and ensure you’re in complete balance!

    VIP Special Bonus Online Course Bundle - Worth over $1000 USD


    BONUS 1

    Lead With Love Summit Recordings
    Lifetime Access

    Get Access To Lead With Love Summit - Edition 1 & 2

    • 20 Expert Interviews
    • Elena's Love Consciousness Trainings 
    • ​Elena's Meditations

    BONUS 2

    Reach Millions With Your Love Message - TEDx Talk Training

    Elena Herdieckerhoff

    Become A TEDx Star!

    I will take you behind the scenes of my 4 million views TEDx Talk and share all my secrets so you too can deliver a "Love Leader" talk that will impact lives all over the world!



    Payment Options

    Is the Love Leaders Program for you?

    Yes, If You Are Ready To...

    • Harness the power of love consciousness to break through any inner blocks that are holding you back
    • Embrace your unique divine purpose and align with a place of inspired action instead of worry-based hustle
    • Discover how to tap into your 6th sense to create miracles in your and other people's lives
    • Double your business and impact without doubling your effort by working from a vibration of love
    • Join a select community of like-minded sensitive and spiritual entrepreneurs to share support, friendship and opportunities!

    A Love Note From Elena

    "Imagine an exclusive gathering of like-minded entrepreneurs that come together for the unique purpose of stepping into love consciousness.

     To drop the mask. To be taken care of. To be (re)inspired. 

    To implement new ways of doing and being. 

    To reignite the spiritual spark of inner knowing.

    To reconnect to personal gifts and desires.

     To gently release outdated blocks and patterns. 

    To take aligned action and gain true momentum. 

    To impact the world with love. 

    I created this unique program to be your guide and help you make 2020 the year where you say
     YES to being a Love Leader!

    Fall in love with the next version of you and your business!

    Let's start your love consciousness journey together....

    Much love, Elena xox"

    Frequently Asked Questions

      How does the Love Leaders Mastermind work?
    You get access to in-depth Consciousness Training videos that will cover our 12 designated topics. You will already have access to all of the 12 training modules upon joining! These training modules (videos) will help you dive deeper into your personal, business and global love awareness.  
    For the Spotlight Coaching Group Call, we will use the ZOOM video call platform to connect once a month for a 2 hour live session. You will receive my personal coaching guidance to support your transformational journey. 
    In addition, you will receive extra peer support in the Facebook Group to make sure you get the help you need to truly up-level your life and business with the energy of love. 
    You are also invited to participate in our quarterly Book Club and benefit from access to all of the Lead With Love Summit Interviews & Trainings! 
    You will also have access the bonus TEDx Talk training immediately upon joining! 

      What are the exact dates & times?
    We will use the ZOOM platform to connect once a month for a 2 hour coaching session (you can use video or audio to join). The duration of this program is 12 months.
    We meet at 9am PST or 12 pm EST. 

    Here are our Sessions: 
    ​Wednesday 2 September 2020
    ​Wednesday 7 October 2020
    ​Wednesday 4 November 2020
    Wednesday 2 December 2020
    ​Wednesday 6 January 2021
    ​Wednesday 3 February 2021
    ​Wednesday 3 March 2021
    ​Wednesday 7 April 2021
    ​Wednesday 5 May 2021
    ​Wednesday 2 June 2021
    ​Wednesday 7 July 2021
    ​Wednesday 4 August 2021

    Are the sessions recorded?
     Yes, all the sessions are recorded and you get access to the recording within 24-48 hours of the session.

    What is the maximum amount of participants?
    The amount of participants is capped at 8 to ensure ample personal attention. 
    Am I guaranteed personal coaching time on every coaching call?
    Yes absolutely, every participant gets the opportunity to ask a personal question on each of our 12 coaching calls. You will benefit from your own spotlight coaching as well as from the coaching segments of the other participants.
    What happens if I miss a session?
    You can send me your questions in the Facebook group in advance of the session and I will make sure you still get your questions answered on the call and you get access to the recording within 24 hours! 

    How does the Book Club work?
    I have chosen 4 important books to dive even deeper into your Love Leader identity. Every quarter, we will read one book together as a community. In the Facebook Group, I will create a special section where we can all share our favourite insights, reflections and quotes! (The books are not included and need to be purchased separately)
    What happens in the Facebook Group?
    It is highly encouraged, but not mandatory to join our private Facebook group to participate in peer-supported consciousness discussions and contribute your views to our virtual Book Club! The Facebook Group will be open at the start of the program and will be archived at the end of the program.

    How much time do I need to set aside for the Love Leaders program?
    Per month, you will need to set aside between 45-60 minutes to watch the Consciousness Training video as well as 2 hours for the group coaching call. Optionally, you are also invited to dive deep into the Lead With Love Summit Recordings, my Bonus TEDx Talk Masterclass as well as reading one book per quarter to participate in the Book Club in our Facebook group.

    What is included in the VIP Version?
    If you want my personal intuitive coaching support to deeply connect you to your vision and gifts as well as overcome any blocks, you can upgrade to VIP. We meet quarterly for a 1 Hour Coaching Session to fully support you as you embrace the power of love consciousness in your life and business! 
    In addition, you will receive 2 Energy Healing Sessions arranged for you from my personal referral network to clear energetic blocks and ensure you’re in complete balance!
     Can I talk to you prior to investing?
    Sure! I want to make sure this program is perfect for you, so if you have any hesitations or questions, please request your complimentary call here.

    Client Love 

    Watch some of my current Love Leader clients share their experience of working with me!